Monday, August 24, 2009

Learning about St. Germain

Saint Germain will not be found in the List of Saints of the Catholic Church. He is referred to as an Ascended Master. The following is from Wikipedia:
The Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a process of spiritual transformation. The term "Ascended Master" was first introduced in 1934 with the publication of Unveiled Mysteries by Guy Ballard in The "I AM" Activity.

I feel that I was 'guided' to learn about St. Germain. Two weeks ago, I wandered around a local bookstore and zeroed in on a book on prayer that mentioned St. Germain. Then I recalled buying a small book on him last year in Mt. Shasta. I pulled it from my bookshelf and that led to the Unveiled Mysteries, which is Vol. 1 of numerous books.

I'm pretty excited about the direction this is heading and am meditating twice a day on what is called "The 'I AM' Presence":

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