Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Forgiveness of sins

Tashlich is a ritual that traditionally takes place on the first day of Rosh HaShanah. Jews traditionally go to the ocean or a stream to pray and throw bread crumbs into the water. Symbolically, the fish devour their sins. Occasionally, people ask what kind of bread          crumbs should be thrown. 
Here are a suggestions for bread for specific sins and misbehaviors:

For ordinary sins - White Bread
For erotic sins - French Bread
For particularly dark sins - Pumpernickel
For complex sins - Multi-Grain
For twisted sins - Pretzels
For tasteless sins -Rice Cakes
For sins committed in haste - Matzoh
For sins of chutzpah - Fresh Bread
For substance abuse - Stoned Wheat
For use of heavy drugs - Poppy Seed
For petty larceny - Stollen

For committing auto theft - Caraway
For ill-temperedness - Sourdough
For silliness, eccentricity - Nut Bread
For not giving full value - Shortbread
For jingoism, chauvinism - Yankee Doodles
For excessive irony - Rye Bread
For unnecessary chances - Hero Bread
For telling bad jokes/puns - Corn Bread
For war-mongering - Kaiser Rolls
For dressing immodestly - Tarts
For causing injury to others -Tortes
For lechery and promiscuity - Hot Buns
For promiscuity with gentiles - Hot Cross Buns

For racist attitudes - Crackers
For sophisticated racism - Ritz Crackers
For being holier than thou - Bagels
For abrasiveness - Grits
For dropping in without notice - Popovers
For over-eating - Stuffing
For impetuosity - Quick Bread
For indecent photography - Cheesecake
For raising your voice too often - Challah
For pride and egotism - Puff Pastry
For being overly smothering - Angel Food Cake
For laziness - Any long loaf
For trashing the environment – Dumplings

Thanks to Slim Russell and Ellen Sokolow for posting this on the Sacred Fire Community listserv.

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